Wondering what to cook for dinner tonight?

Exciting news! From now on OrganizEat can help you with that as well! We are excited to announce the release of OrganizEat version #3.3.8, a new update to our iOS app. ?⭐ ? Here is a quick summary of the most significant changes and new features that are available in this update.The most significant new […]

Get rid of clutter in the kitchen

How it all started, in the spring. ? ???? All these piles of papers, recipe cards, printouts, magazine pages, notes, cookbook shelves. It was driving me crazy! The pile of torn out pages and cookbooks, with only 1 or 2 useful recipes in each of them anyway. Spring cleaning is the perfect occasion to get […]

Why is everything turning into a subscription??

Subscriptions are slowly taking over the software industry, and there’s a reason for that. One common misconception is the thought “You make software only once and sell it a million times”. Well, that’s a nice idea, but in reality, very few software companies don’t have millions of *paying* customers. Being a small 2-person company, we […]