Meal Planning Guide: 5 Steps to Stress-Free Weekly Menus
Learn how to simplify your meal planning process with five easy steps that save time, reduce waste, and promote healthier eating habits.
7 Simple Ways to Digitize Old Family Recipes
Learn how to preserve your family recipes by digitizing them using various methods like mobile apps, scanners, and cloud storage.
OrganizEat for Web is here!
As we continue to work on OrganizEat these days from our quarantined balcony ?, the world feels so different compared to a few weeks ago. At times like this, the things that we truly care about are coming into focus ❤️. Four years have passed since OrganizEat was first launched. Over this time we kept adding new […]
The Only Free Cheese is in The Mousetrap
If you did not hear this news, it is important that you do. There is a hugely popular mobile app, called CamScanner. It turns your phone camera into a xerox machine. You just put those two pages on the table, snap twice and you get a PDF file, with image cleaned up to black and […]
Get rid of clutter in the kitchen
How it all started, in the spring. ? ???? All these piles of papers, recipe cards, printouts, magazine pages, notes, cookbook shelves. It was driving me crazy! The pile of torn out pages and cookbooks, with only 1 or 2 useful recipes in each of them anyway. Spring cleaning is the perfect occasion to get […]
Why is everything turning into a subscription??
Subscriptions are slowly taking over the software industry, and there’s a reason for that. One common misconception is the thought “You make software only once and sell it a million times”. Well, that’s a nice idea, but in reality, very few software companies don’t have millions of *paying* customers. Being a small 2-person company, we […]