Once the recipe you want to share is open, tap “share” on the menu at the bottom (the little box icon with an arrow pointing out of it).

The menu that slides onto the screen has 4 options since there are several ways to share recipes with the OrganizEat app:

1) Sharing a recipe by email:

If you sign up for an account and sync your recipes, you can easily share them with other OrganizEat app users. In the share menu, select the first button, “Share by email”. A clickable public link to the recipe will be generated and sent by email. If the recipient has OrganizEat installed on their phone or tablet, they will be able to save it instantly by simply tapping on this link. Otherwise, the link will open and show the recipe in their browser.

2) Sharing a recipe by text message:

If the recipient is not an OrganizEat user and doesn’t have the app where they can open the recipe and view it – you can simply send them a PDF file. You can do this by tapping on the second button in the share menu, “Share PDF”.

3) Sharing recipes on social media:

The third button in the share menu allows you to “Copy link to recipe”. The link is viewable from any web browser. Then you can go to Facebook or Pinterest, or WhatsApp (or other social networks) – and paste this link into groups you are a member of.

4) Sharing a PDF with people who are not tech-savvy:

If the recipient is not an OrganizEat user and doesn’t have the app where they can open the recipe and view it – you can simply send them a PDF file. You can do this by tapping on the last button in the share menu, “Share PDF”.